Ruta Ltd. 
Start your own business in the UK now!   

Our Contacts:

Tel: 0845 638 2888
       (+44 845 638 2888)

Fax: 0845 638 2999
       (+44 845 638 2999)



We will meet the toughest deadlines to find the right professionals for you.


Let us deal with your property buying or renting needs with maximum efficiency in the minimum time.


Do you need a VIP lounge seats or a private jet? We are here to help! Just dial the number and we will solve it for you.


We can give you a professional advice about any aspects related to education in the UK and recommend educational institution to your specific needs.


Our experienced multilingual translators and guides will assist you with any professional or personal communication issues.


We devote our best effort to maximize the comfort of your high valued guests through exclusive and personalized service.

  Start your own business in the UK now!

Ruta Ltd is a company that will give flying start to your business. Whether you are new to the business world or you are an experienced business person exploring new markets - we are your best UK partner. We emphasize the importance of you receiving unbiased data that you can trust. We will facilitate profound market research for your chosen industry. We will also conduct a consultation about legal and financial implications and make sure you understand all relevant tax and business regulations. Our proficiency in business and economical aspects will ensure that you successfully start your own business in the UK.

At the start of running your own business you may encounter difficulties preventing you from achieving set goals. Our team will help you to find right business solutions to all problems. We will ensure that any commercial barriers you face are defeated and your ideas are realized to full extent. We take a responsible and creative approach to find innovative solutions through vigilant market analysis and explicit strategy building. We will help you to minimize your expenses and will recommend available options to make your business operate more efficiently. Our experienced team will support and guide you through legal matters, office rental terms and conditions, personnel hire and let off concerns, as well as introduce you to immigration and commercial activity laws.

Our office is based in London - the financial center of Europe, where global trade intersects uniting Europe with the rest of the world. We employ a team of business, finance and law professionals with over 10 years experience in the UK markets. Our team will help your business to enter and adapt to UK market smoothly and attract potential global partners. There are several options for your new business we can help with including joint ventures, acquisitions, franchising, ready-made or newly registered companies.

We are confident that our company is your best partner while you integrate your business into the UK market. We care to provide excellent value for your money and to make sure that your investments generate best possible returns up to your expectations. UK economy is huge and we are here to help you find appropriate niche for your business.


Copyright © 2006 RUTA Ltd. All Rights Reserved
© BraginDesignStudio

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